Nashville, TN
Ms. Cooney and Mr. Chilton of ProjX have worked extensively with the Dominican Sisters over the years to deliver usable Master Planning in phased delivery that keep their operations and educational entities in full operation.
From the Planning efforts, several Capital Campaigns and Capital improvement Projects ensued. Each project enhanced the delivery of the Dominican Mission on this Campus.
The most notable projects to be accomplished were the following:
4 Room Junior High Wing to Overbrook School
The Tennis Court improvements; Traffic Circulation Improvements; and Elementary Play Yard Adjustments
The new central Dining/Kitchen/Assembly area serving both the Overbrook School and the Academy
The New Wing housing Administration; Lecture Assembly; Science Laboratories and renovations accommodating ADA; Chapel; and Student Union.
Scope: Our team remained an active participant in this 96 acre campus for over 10 years with repeat service engagements.